A new

video has been added to our channel. The video shows the Robotic Rover as it is controlled through TCP/IP Wireless using the IONOTRONICS® Java Robotics App. The Rover has a Gyro and Accelerometer which are read periodically by the Robotic Java App. The Gyro data is processed and is sent via an HTTP Post to the built in HTTP Server for the NAVBALL application on a Linux Mint 17.3 Platform. The NAVBALL application, using a C thread rotates the NAVBALL in synchronization with the Z Axis Gyro reading. In the mean time, the Java Robotic App reads the Industrial Joystick X,Y and Z (twist) via a PIC32 I2C Master connected to an I2C four channel slave which converts the Joystick XYZ to digital. The Java Robotics App reads the ADC values from the PIC32 using a Serial Interface. The Java Robotics App is platform independent.

For details see the Robotic Rover Blueprint.
Also a series of up coming YouTube videos on constructing the Robotic Rover. IONOTRONICS has hacked the Kerbal Space Program NAVBALL to work on Linux Mint 17.3 as well as adding C threads and other enhancements. See the NAVBALL page.